32. Regina v. M.E.A. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – December 2014]
While conducting surveillance on an unrelated investigation the police observed a suspicious vehicle in a theater parking lot. When the police approached the [...]
R. v. K.A. [Provincial Court, Calgary, October 2014]
K.A. was charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking; possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and possession of [...]
R. v. K.A. [Provincial Court, Calgary, September 2014]
K.A. was charged with a number of diverse and serious charges when he retained Ms. Fagan to secure his release. He was initially [...]
Judge rejects claim of police terror tactics
Police manhandling of a suspected drug dealer’s passenger was not a “terrorist tactic,” a judge said yesterday in rejecting a Charter application. Court [...]
Judge stays drug charges after Crown breaks deal
A judge Monday stayed charges of trafficking in cocaine and marijuana against a Calgary man because the Crown reneged on an agreement to [...]
Seized money to pay for legal defence
An alleged member of a drug gang can use more than $32,000 seized in a major RCMP bust to pay for his legal [...]
Cop couldn’t pick
The lead investigator in a heroin trafficking case couldn’t pick the suspects out of a photo lineup – but his civilian partner could, [...]
Police marijuana case goes to pot
A police bid to sniff out a marijuana grow operation went up in smoke yesterday when a judge ruled a search warrant invalid. [...]
Accused gets cash back
A destitiute farmer whose only asset is a condemned shack can use cash that the Crown alleges are crime proceeds to pay for [...]
Not guilty of woodland pot
A Hay River man was found not guilty of a trafficking charge laid after eight kilograms of marijuana were seized in a wooded [...]