Case Results
13. Regina v. Y.H. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – July 2010]
As a consequence of an ongoing joint forces investigation police obtained a warrant to search client’s residential premises and seized approximately $180,000.00 cash. [...]
14. Regina v. G.M. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – July 2010]
Police were patrolling in a “known drug trafficking area” in Calgary when they observed a vehicle parked with two male occupants. When the [...]
15. Regina v. E.F. [Court of Queen’s Bench, Calgary – June, 2010]
Police respond to a 911 call by a distraught person believed to be suffering from a drug overdose. Police enter client’s apartment without [...]
16. Regina v. M.L. [Court of Queen’s Bench, Calgary – July , 2010]
As a result of our client’s acquittal on all charges at trial in February 2010 (See enumerated Case #5 above) we were ultimately [...]
17. Regina v. M.H. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – August, 2010]
Client (a bar manager) was charged with trafficking in cocaine as a consequence of ostensibly facilitating a deal between a cocaine trafficker (bar patron) and an undercover police officer. The prosecution was premised on the belief that our client was a party to the offence of drug trafficking by virtue of the assistance rendered. Through efforts undertaken by our office with the Federal Department of Justice we ultimately killed this prosecution in its entirety by the entry of a stay of proceedings.
18. Regina v. D.M. [Court of Queen’s Bench, Red Deer – September, 2010]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (approximately one ounce) and proceeds of crime as a consequence of surveillance [...]
19. Regina v. K.S.D. [Court of Queen’s Bench, Calgary – October 2010]
Client charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substances for the purpose of trafficking (cocaine/ heroin/ cannabis marijuana) as well as [...]
20. Regina v. Z.Z. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – October, 2010]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (approximately 50 grams) and proceeds of crime as a consequence of police [...]
21. Regina v. R.J. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – October, 2010]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (approximately 1 pound) and proceeds of crime as a result of surveillance [...]
22. Regina v. D.D. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Canmore- October, 2010]
Client was apprehended by the R.C.M.P. in a radar “trap” while on Hwy #1 near Canmore Alberta. While dealing with our client at [...]