Regina v. H.C.C. [Provincial Court – April 2014]

HCC was accused of having oral sex with a young women without her consent shortly after the two of them attended a church service in their community. HCC, an aspiring university student with no prior adverse history with the police, denied the allegations of the complainant and instructed Patrick Fagan to enter pleas of not guilty and to schedule the matter for trial.

Bottom Line: During the course of trial proceedings the complainant revealed certain information concerning her relationship with HCC that had been previously withheld. This untimely revelation cast immediate and irrevocable doubt on the veracity of the complainant and the case for the prosecution fell apart.

Bottom Line: Patrick Fagan was successful in having all charges against HCC dismissed.

Patrick Fagan

Patrick C. Fagan is a highly accomplished lawyer with an impressive career spanning over 35 years in the legal field.

“… a sharp lawyer like Fagan could make mince meat out of their case.”


Contact the Law Office of Patrick C. Fagan today to review your case.