Case Results
21. Regina v. D.S. [Calgary Provincial Court, September 2008]
Client charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and proceeds of crime as a consequence of police search of a [...]
22. Regina v. V.O. [Calgary Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, September 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (4 ½ ounces) possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking (1 [...]
23. Regina v. D.N. [Calgary Provincial Court, October 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (5 ½ ounces) and proceeds of crime. Professional client of Asian decent [...]
24. Regina v. C.D. [Calgary Provincial Court, October 2008]
Young female client charged with simple possession of marijuana as a consequence of a police search of her motor vehicle following a Flames [...]
25. Regina v. K.L.& G.P. [Calgary Provincial Court, December 2008]
Clients (husband and wife) charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and proceeds of crime as a consequence of a [...]
26. Regina v. Y.H. [Calgary Provincial Court, December 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (3 ½ ounces) and proceeds of crime (in excess of $100,000.00) as [...]
1. Regina v. L.A. [Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Calgary – June 2007]
Relying on information provided by a confidential source the police obtained a warrant to search the residential premises of LA. Upon execution of [...]
2. Regina v. F. & A. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – May 2007]
The Integrated Response To Organized Crime Unit (“IROC”) executed a warrant to search the home of F&A where they seized approximately 5 kilograms [...]
3. Regina v. M.M. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – May 2007]
R.v. M.M. [Calgary PC, May, 2007] Client was observed in an area prohibited by a pre-existing bail order and police search on arrest [...]
4. Regina v. J. B. [Didsbury PC, June, 2007]
Client became involved in a physical altercation with a gas company meter reader resulting in the police search of his rural residential premises. [...]