Case Results
2. Regina v. M.A.G. [Court of Queen’s Bench Alberta, Calgary – February 2014]
In March 2010 members of the Calgary Police Service (CPS) were involved in an undercover operation called "Dances with Wolves" during which they [...]
3. Regina v. G.R. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – February 2014]
In August 2012 members of the Calgary Police Service (CPS) Operations Team were involved in a dial-a-dope operation entitled "ECHO". The police conducted [...]
4. Regina v. O.H. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – February 2014]
In January 2013 members of the "Green Team South" received a crime stoppers tip that a marijuana grow operation may exist at specified [...]
5. Regina v. J.O.N.[Provincial Court of Alberta, Canmore – February 2014]
JON was the proprietor of a business which (according to the police) sold items used for the consumption of illegal drugs including marijuana [...]
6. Regina v. D.H.D. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – March 2014]
DHD arrived in Calgary from Vancouver on a Greyhound bus. Undercover police "profiled" DHD and confronted him in the bus station lobby. A [...]
7. Regina v. M.I.R. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Airdrie – March 2014]
RCMP received information that MIR was selling marijuana in Airdrie. The police conducted surveillance on MIR and he was observed to be engaged [...]
8. Regina v. C.A.A.M. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – March 2014]
CAAM was the target of a sophisticated well conducted investigation by the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team ("ALERT") involving members of the Calgary [...]
9. Regina v. T.B. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Fort Vermillion – March 2014]
An unstable adult male purchased a rifle from a local firearms dealer and thereafter used that firearm to commit suicide. The police conducted [...]
10. Regina v. A.S.R. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Canmore – May 2014]
ASR was driving a vehicle on Highway #1 near Lake Louise when he was pulled over by the RCMP for having a "dirty [...]
1. Regina v. D.D.D. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – January 2014]
Regina v. D.D.D. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – January 2014] Client charged with impaired driving and refusing to provide breath samples after [...]