Case Results
20. Regina v. C.C.C. [Court of Appeal of Saskatchewan, Regina – December 2016]
This was an appeal from conviction following a 1 month trial for conspiracy to traffic in multiple kilograms of cocaine. The trial was [...]
4. Regina v. A.B.A. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – February 2017]
ABA & spouse were charged with possession of cannabis marijuana in an amount exceeding 3 kilograms for the purpose of trafficking contrary to [...]
5. Regina v. A.D.G. [Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Calgary – March 2017]
During the course of an undercover operation the police made multiple purchases of cocaine from two persons. The police were told by those [...]
6. Regina v. A.S.S. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – March 2017]
As a consequence of a police undercover operation ASS was charged with 34 separate criminal offences including possession of cocaine for the purpose [...]
7. Regina v. L.H.M. [Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Calgary – April 2017]
An RCMP investigation resulted in a warrant to search LHM’s rural home. That search revealed the presence of a marijuana grow operation, multiple [...]
8. Regina v. S.A.A. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – March 2017]
Police received a report of “screaming and shouting” from SAA’s apartment so they attended to check on the welfare of the occupants. Upon [...]
9. Regina v. A.S.S. [Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Calgary – May 2017]
ASS was the target of an undercover street operation. During the course of that undercover operation ASS repeatedly sold street level quantities of [...]
10. Regina v. G.K.H. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – June 2017]
GKH was the target of a police undercover operation during which he was alleged to have sold 4 bags of cocaine to an [...]
11. Regina v. M.N.N. [Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary – June 2017]
MNN was the target of an undercover police street operation. During the course of that undercover operation MNN repeatedly sold street level quantities [...]
12. Regina v. N.M.T. [Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Swift Current – June 2017]
This is another Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) PIPELINE case resulting in the seizure of a relatively large quantity of cocaine and marijuana. [...]