Prostitute’s last known john talks

prostitute last known john

Hours before tumbling into her death from the 22nd floor of a Vancouver hotel room, a Calgary escort was selling sex for cash, a pimping trial heard yesterday.

One of the last known people to see the woman, who can’t be named, said he paid her $250 for an hour of carnal pleasure.

The witness, who is also protected by a wide-ranging publication ban, testified he tracked down the woman through an Internet escort advertisement.

After exchange of e-mails, and providing his phone number, the UBC student was contacted – his cellphone records show – on Dec. 20, 2002.

He then met the woman in the lobby of the Century Plaza Hotel in downtown Vancouver.

“I think she said she just arrived in Vancouver,” he told Crown prosecutor David Torske.

“She gave me some massage first and she asked me what kind of service I would like.”

The encounter occurred around 1 p.m or 2 p.m that day, he said.

At 1:25 a.m the following morning the woman plunged to her death from the room – a matter classified either an accident, or suicide by the local coroner.

Former Calgary firefighter and escort agency owner the accused is on trial for several pimping-related charges, including directing the movement of a prostitute.

Under cross-examination, the Vancouver man told defence lawyer Pat Fagan the Internet listing he contacted was for a company called Hollywood Escorts.

The accused’s Calgary company was named Liaisons.

The Crown is expected to conclude its case today.

Patrick Fagan

Patrick C. Fagan is a highly accomplished lawyer with an impressive career spanning over 35 years in the legal field.

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